Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring is in the air

First thing: Listen to Jon Foreman's new EP titled "Spring". It is absolutely amazing. Each of his Ep's (he has two others appropriately titled "Winter" and "Fall") keep getting better and better. Give them a whirl.

I'm in the process of working on a little Prague film. For a while, I thought lugging my new camera all the way over here may not have been worth the hassle, since, for various reasons I won't go into, I was having trouble making a film over here. Well, my roommate and I have been going around the city the past few days getting our shots, and we are on our way to making a little film in Prague! When its done, it will of course be posted right here for all of you to see. The awesome thing about this film is that I might be able to submit it as my final project for not one, but two of my three classes! That is two final papers I don't have to write, just because I made a film I was probably going to make anyways! That's what I'm talking about!

The weather is finally looking up here in Prague. The past few days we've had temperatures in the mid 60's which is pretty warm for Prague. Looking at the weather for back home makes me a little jealous, since you Cali people already are enjoying 80 degree weather. I miss shorts and flip flops, but I know I'll get plenty of that when I get back. I think I'll enjoy the cooler spring, since this is weather I don't really get back home.

On to more important matters. As some of you know, I'm going to Northern Uganda this summer for about 6 weeks. I'm going with a team of 10 to work and help out at this orphanage/school. I'm also going to be bringing my camera and filming, possibly making my own little documentary. Each member of our team set the goal of raising $4,000, so we could reach our group goal of $40,000. As of right now, 60 days before we leave on June 11, we have 20% of our goal. This is a little frightening, but I have faith that our needs will be met. If I haven't already sent you a support letter and you would like to know how you can support me or anyone else on the team, please let me know! Anything will be appreciated, whether it is your prayers, your pocket change, or anything else you can think up. In case you didn't know, I really have a huge heart and passion for Africa. Ever since I saw the Invisible Children documentary a few years ago, I've always had a longing to go and help out in person. Now, I'm getting that chance. I don't know how it happened, but here I am, sitting in my apartment in Prague, already thinking to the future (which is only in 2 months!) about my adventures in Africa. I can't imagine hanging out with some of the poorest people in the world, but I'm so glad I get the chance. Many people think that the money we are raising for our team could be more efficiently used if we gave it to an organization that was already set up and running in Africa. I do think giving money to these organizations is important, but I also think it's important for those that have the desire to go see these atrocities in person to give them that chance. I know that I can help these people with my money, but I think it might mean something extremely special to these people to come and see them face to face.

My goal this summer is to become completely selfless. I want to serve others. This whole semester, I feel like I've been focusing on my wants and needs. I've been living in Prague for cripes sake! I've gotten a massage in a spa in Budapest! I've spent countless dollars on drinks throughout various pubs and bars in Europe! Let's face it, this semester has been a vacation for me. School has been easier than I ever imagined. Now, I worked my tail off in school so I could get here, and saved up a lot of money, so I feel like I deserved this amazing experience. But now, this summer, I want to give back. And not only because I feel like I've been on a "vacation" for a semester. No,this passion has been in me a while. I've been on a few one-week long mission trips to Mexico and the Dominican Republic, but I wanted something a little bit more. In two months, I feel I can actually build relationships with people I meet. I can hear their stories. I can tell them mine. We may come from two different worlds, but for 2 months this summer, none of that will matter. I'm coming from the richest nation in the history of the world, and that right there means that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders.

These people deserve our help. If genocide, starvation, poverty, the list goes on...was happening right across your street, you wouldn't stand for it. You would do something. So why is it any different if it is happening across the world? These people are humans, just like us. God loves them just the same. We all deserve a chance. A chance at life. At the basics: water, food, shelter, health. At love.

As I write this, I realize how much of a hypocrite I am. It's hard to pursue my life, my dreams, my desires, when I know there are people in the world that struggle to find enough water to drink for the day. How do I justify the way I live my life?

Wow...I did not plan on writing all this, and going off on a mini sermon. Uh..I apologize. I guess I just wanted people to know why I'm doing what I'm doing this summer. And that I'm incredibly grateful for the chance I'm getting. If I can make just one child smile this summer, it will all be worth it.

Movie of the week:The Edukators

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Edward Hale 1822--"I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." (from a book studying at UCC). We are learning through your giving, Steven, of your physical presence in Uganda, and will continue to do what we can for those precious lives there. 2704 Al.